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Topics Include:
— Will the the stream of well-being always be greater than those manifesting evil?
— Can you elaborate on the concept of being who I really am?
— How can I be free and still connected?
— Why am I afraid to do what I love?
— How do I stop judging myself so harshly?
— Tense relationship with my mother.
— Does feeling sorrow/grief keep me from getting into my vortex?
— What does inspired action mean?
— What is art?
— A conversation about déjà vu.
— Will sloppy thinking work out for me too?
— How do I create my own reality when it seems that others are deciding for me?
— A question about meditation.
— My girlfriend hasn’t been able to get past something I said.
— Feeling stuck regarding my family.
— Emotionally off or emotionally sensitive?
— Want desperately to be loved by my teenager.
— Mourning the loss of my neighbor.
— Suspicious of job improvement.
— How to deal with split energy?
— Can others feel when we think about them?
— The subject of nervousness.
— How to awaken my true self?
— How to reassure myself when I have doubts that universal forces are working on my behalf?
— A conversation about vibration and our alignment with source.
— What are signs?
— Creating the new world we are wanting.
— Understanding suicide.
— A conversation about schools.