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Topics Include:
– What is the creative power of a young child when removed from the home?
– I don’t let love in.
– I want to be ok by myself, but also want a relationship.
– Are birds messengers to us?
– I want to stop this negative self-talk.
– Looking for a sign or response from non-physical.
– I have resistance about moving.
– Is our energy where we last left it?
– I have fairytale moments – how to accept when they end?
– Gratitude – do the tears mean unworthiness?
– Do we need to go back and try to adjust limiting beliefs?
– Can we love and hate at the same time?
– How to avoid thoughts that keep me up at night?
– What is the process to align with our Inner Being?
– Can physicists isolate or identify thought?
– Should my asking be specific or general?
– I want to expand to greater abundance.
– What is my role within my family with limited beliefs?
– What if I truly put feeling good first?
– Musician still has resistance, needs advice on how to get closer to desires.
– Why do people make me feel wrong or not enough?
– How can I believe the money I’m asking for is coming?
– I have a screwy relationship with money.
– Holding people accountable?
– Why is so difficult for me to feel unconditional love?
– Can another person jam your connection?
– An Abraham rampage about the well-being of our planet.