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Topics Include:
– Feel guilty because boyfriend wants to move in together and I don’t.
– The “pointing” concept and not talking in opposition.
– Closing the loop.
– Allowing vibrational matches as we “tune” ourselves?
– Source, emotions and reliving old patterns and experiences?
– How to FEEL more allowance?
– Did other dearly departed ones help my mother-in-law transition?
– Why does my cat join me as I meditate?
– How, when aligned, do we contribute with our gaze?
– Can letting go of the timing of things bring more that we desire?
– What would society look like if everyone understood Law of Attraction?
– I can choose my audience?
– I’ve lost relationships because they cling so strongly to their belief systems.
– Do you have to accept the uneasiness or discomfort and push through?
– When does the Inner Being enter the new body?
– Questioning if I was really connected or not?
– When I leave my house I lose my point of attraction.
– Do we need contrast to have desire?
– Is my mother responsible for her own vibration?
– How can I not step on anyone’s toes in my dream job?
– Conditional love vs. unconditional love.
– Levelling up is causing anxiety for me.
– I am an energy soother.
– I’m stuck - looking for a job, but don’t feel relevant.
– Adult daughter has threatened to distance herself.
– How to get out of the cycle of self-doubt?
– How to communicate with my Inner-– Being without going through Abraham?
– The value of slowing down?
– Son wants to be a pro soccer player and thinks he is better than he is. How to best support him?
– My teen daughter brings out the worst in me.
– Daughter has special needs and will need care for her whole life.
– How can I be supportive to children with traumatic history?
– Cumulative effect of five minutes of frustration?
– Does my higher self always know my wellness?
– Does what we create affect the world?
– Feeling more anxiety and feeling stuck professionally.
– How to get past old habits, vibrations and limited beliefs.
– I need a pep talk.