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5/1/2021 Abraham NOW

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Topics Include:

— I am worthy because….
— Bringing others to laugh from a broader perspective?
— Difference between me and a thought?
— Spending vibrational currency?
— I’m a sucker for the approval of others.
— What’s the connection between human learning and expansion?
— Major surgery, medication, and pain has me out of alignment.
— Abraham’s definition of meek.
— Do we jinx ourselves by telling our story to others?
— What is “choking under pressure” in sports?
— I manifested money, lost it, then manifested it again.
— Can we evolve from our conforming ways?
— Does “toxic positivity” exist?
— Am I still on my path to manifesting?
— Ready to quit my job but I have responsibilities.
— My sense of obligation makes me rebellious.
— Am I becoming a vibrational snob?
— I want to get out of debt and out of struggle.
— How can I forgive myself for being less than I am?
— Other people depend on me to be their source.
— There is always more to know, love, experience.