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12/28/2021 Abraham NOW

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Topics Include:

– Sometimes my desires don’t feel that important.
– Is “an eye for an eye” a human concept?
– I am quick to judge others.
– “Clearing Clutter For Clarity” Process.
– Where is the fine line between doing too much and not enough?
– How do I know the difference between feeling eager and feeling impatient?
– Is there any way I can improve a situation where I have a lot of negative momentum?
– How do I cut loose from financial attachment with my ex.
– I would love to experience letting go.
– Wondering if my ex is my path of least resistance?
– How to shake off my angry and bitter mother?
– How to read or watch something and not attract it?
– I have achieved/manifesting many things but not success with my writing career.
– I have many ideas, but which one should I choose?
– How to define Freedom?
– Instead of doing what I love, I am sabotaging myself.
– How can I tap into clarity more often?
– Does Law of Attraction help us create what is meant to be?
– How to better process the death of our loved ones?
– How to plan for goals/desires and still feel good?
– Is there something I can do to feel well-connected to my body again?